Are you sick of being judged? Every time you’ve been judged for how you look, how you dress, how you talk, or how you behave, I know it diminishes your self-belief, makes you feel insecure, and raises your social anxiety, but here’s the thing: If they say stuff about your flaws that you’re able to work on, then there’s something that you must change. If they’re natural, they aren’t your imperfections; that’s who you are, and you shouldn’t bother about it.
Assume you have a dark or ebony skin tone, are short-footed, or have some physical issues or cultural peculiarities. They aren’t defects; they’re unchangeable facts, and defending yourself against these judgements is worthwhile.
However, if you're skinny or overweight, financially insecure, weak in studies, lethargic, have poor communication skills, or appear unsanitary, these are your flaws, and you must focus on them.
I know what it’s like to be judged for minor infractions. They make fun of your weight; they make fun of your financial insecurity; and they doubt your capabilities. But isn’t their view correct? Don’t you believe you’re incapable of doing anything? I know even you do.
Let’s say you’re either too skinny or too overweight; neither is healthy for your health! I believe that you should accept your body as it is, but you must also endeavour to maintain its health.
Sometimes the judgements made against us are painful, but they also serve as a wake-up call for us to change. You will not grow unless you modify yourself. Start accepting these judgements positively: if they bully you for being too skinny or too fat, work on your body; if they say you’re poor in studies or financially unstable, work on it and become a straight-A student; become financially independent; if they make fun of your communication skills, work on them.
End up feeling insecure, unloved, or depressed. If you love yourself, do everything you can to make it more lovable. If they pass judgement on you, accept them cheerfully and work on them so that you can silence their words and make them think twice before passing judgement on you again.
Consider your path to achievement a stepping stone. Some stones are cheers, lifting you. Some are tests that make you stronger. But you’re still you, evolving and achieving your goals with each step.
“Amidst the whispers of judgment, I stand unshaken, for I know that within me lies the power to evolve. As I reshape my being, the world around me transforms in response, and my journey becomes a testament to the extraordinary ripples of personal change.” — Unknown